蕴法以行 唯德于心
纽约办公室的律师、合作律师及顾问均毕业于中国及美国的知名大学, 包括中国西南政法大学,中国华东政法大学,美国首都华盛顿乔治城大学法律中心、纽约大学、康奈尔大学、纽约福坦莫大学、加拿大多伦多大学、罗切斯特大学西蒙商学院、卡耐基梅隆大学。
纽约法律事务办公室法律服务的主要领域包括:国际商事合同、美国海事海商、Rule B扣押令、 知识产权、美加投资、美国公司设立及尽职调查、跨境税务、刑事案件、财产保全、美国大型商事诉讼电子证据开示、美国商事仲裁、国际仲裁裁决的美国承认与执行、银行贷款、美国保险、美加置业、中美跨境家事与继承、中美家庭团聚、投资移民项目考察、海外求学项目考察、申请及未成年儿童及海外留学生权益保护、 紧急人身保护令等。
North America Office
Guangdong Wonder Law Firm launched our North American office in 2018. Based in New York State, this office supports our Chinese and North American clients’ high-profile cross-border transactions, dispute resolution, and international commercial compliance cases. We’re making a great effort on building our North America Office as an important bridge between China and North America.
Our principal attorney of North America Office is an experienced international dispute resolution attorney admitted in both China and New York State. Our senior consultant is an international law firm’s former Jewish senior partner, with more than 30 years international tax experience. We continually collaborate with US partners and Canadian partners in several prestigious US Law Firms and Canadian Law Firms. Our office provides our Chinese and international clients the most efficient and customized legal service in North America. At the meantime, we also provide Chinese law opinion and Chinese disputes solution plans for our international clients.
Our attorneys, co counsels and consultants have degrees from prestigious Universities in China and the United States, including Southwest University of Political Science and Law, East China University of Political Science and Law, Sun Yat-sen University, Georgetown University, New York University, Cornell University, Fordham University, Toronto University, Simon Business School at University of Rochester, and Carnegie Mellon University.
We provide our legal service on the following matters: international commercial contract, US shipping and maritime law, Rule B attachments, international property protection, US and Canadian investment, US corporation registration and due diligence background check, US Tax, US criminal, property attachment, e-discovery in international commercial litigation and arbitration, American Arbitration Association arbitration, recognition and enforcement of international arbitration award, banking service, insurance, real estate, matrimonial and international heritage, immigration and family reunion, due diligence service of EB-5 investment and oversea studying program, Minor and oversea students’ legal rights protection, and emergency order of protection.
Our North America office’s working languages include Mandarin, Cantonese, English and Spanish.
Copyright © 2016 Guangdong Wonder Law Firm.